12 March 2011


LetZzz Comment about "Noisettes"
In the last few day I've notice that quite a lot of people like the Nescafe's new TV add, especially the music. So, since I'm one of those who knew the theme song long before this commercial showed up I'd like to recommend it to you.

The song is called "Never forget you" and is performed by the British indie rock band NOISETTES. You may remember them from their biggest hit "Don't upset the rhythm (Go baby go)". The band is formed back in 1996 and they had their first album "What's the time Mr. Wolf?" in 2007, which is not the best from them, that's for sure.
The "Wild young hearts" album from 2009 is the thing I really like. It has that retro vibe that makes you move. :D Even though most of the lyrics are "female" kind of , the stories, which have some melancholia in them, are quite amazing (lovable, romantic and even funny)  and everyone can find themselves in them. 

The vocal of the band Shingai Shoniwa (yeah, that's quite a strange name :P ) has such a unique voice (which you'll probably won't like in the first few seconds... but after that you'll love it!) and even more "personal style", which I admire. This album will definitely cheer you up, without any "obligations to listen it carefully". 
So, download the album, listen to it and let me know your oppinionZzz! :D
P.S. Post you comment HERE, not in MSG's on Facebook! :P PLZ!

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