22 March 2011

The Hours

LetZzz comment about "The Hours"
This period is kinda boring and the brainstorming about subject I should write about took me back in time... to one of my favorite movies. "The Hours".
I'm pretty sure that most of you have seen the movie, but those who haven't... do that! :D The movie (2002) is one of the best adaptations ever made. Explaining the concept would take me a whole history to explain. The cast is more than amazing - Maryl Streep, Julianne Moore & Nicole Kidman in the main roles. Quite impressive, right? :)
The success of the movie is "upgraded" with more than 100 nominations on different awards, including the 9 nominations on the Academy Awards and 6 on the Golden Globe Awards. 26 Awards were won, including the Oscar for Nicole Kidman for her role as Virginia Wolf
Interesting thing about Nicole and this movie was her nose. :D Yeah, most of the people couldn't even recognize her with the nose, made especially to make her look more like Virginia.

However, this movie is more than worth to be seen. But you should take one thing in consideration - if you have no idea who Virginia Wolf has been, read something about her and the "result" of her literature. That way you'll value the movie as much as I do.
CommentZzz my dear? :)

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