18 March 2011

The kids are all right

LetZzz comment about "The kids are all right"
I gotta say I watched this movie few days ago, and I still can't make a clear statement about what I think about it. When you watch such a "strange" story in +/- 100 minutes, you get confused in moments. However, if I haven't thought that the movie is good, I wouldn't have written about it. :D
The whole story is about a gay couple (Nicole and Jules), who have "in-vitro children" by a same donor. The kids are now grown up and they wanna met "their father". After meeting him up, the thing gets totally messed! 
The movie was nominated in the categories "Best picture" and "Writing (original Screenplay)" on the Academy Awards, while Annette Bening was nominated in "Actress in leading role" category. None of them won (which in my opinion was fair).
The critique about the movie is mainly pretty good. Rotten Tomatoes gave, probably, the best comment : "Worthwhile as both a well-acted dramedy and as a smart, warm statement on family values, The Kids Are All Right is remarkable".
I'd like to mention the casting is more than good. The nomination of Bening (which is represent of her acting capabilities), the quality of Julianne Moore, the charm of Mark Ruffalo are just a great chance for Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson to "make a statenement"!
If you are wondering what movie you should see (on your own, since this movie is not the best option for couples on romantic night) than this is something you should go for. 

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