08 March 2011

Here I go!

Most of ya know me well, and if you know me, than I'm sure you know how commenting is something I do quite often. The idea to make a blog, instead of commenting on Facebook and make the whole thing look better was given to me a lot of times before. I finally decided to implement it! :D
What subject will this blog be about? ... Hmmm ... let's say EVERYTHING I believe it's worth enough to be commented! I'll post my personal opinion about the show-business through comments for the movie industry, the music and the "celebs", fashion of course, theater, art and marketing I like or... the other thing! I'm planning to write about topics from Macedonia, too since most of the people who'll probably read it are Macedonian, right? :)
The "intro" is done, so letZzz get to work!

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