13 April 2011

"Style of Jolie" - Jewelry collection by Angelina Jolie

LetZzz comment Angelina Jolie's "Style of Jolie"!
It's very hard to find a human being on the planet who doesn't think that she is one of the most beautiful women of all time. She even made the plastic surgery go in another direction. She married the "most wanted man on the planet" and made quite a big family. Besides all these facts, another thing she'll be remember for is her style. Elegance, elegance, sex and elegance. :)
If "Julien's Gallery" in Beverly Hill has the honor of having the exclusive right for the promotion of this collection, Robert Procop had the honor to collaborate with the sexiest woman on the planet in the process of making this collection. I envy him... a lot! :P
The collection itself is classic, modern, elegant, unique, brave and (VERY) expensive all in the same time. And yes, Jolie already had them all on her skin, which makes the whole collection worth even more. :) Almost every piece from the collection is massive, which makes an "I have a lot of money" statement. However, massive is (usually) far away from classy. In this case, wearing one of these pieces will require a lot of personal style. The jewelry is made from gold, platinum and a lot of jewels.
And probably the most important thing about the collection is the fact that, the money from the jewelry will be used in charity. Imagine that! :O :P
Well done Angie! That's how a real LADY does it! "...It's not about the money..." :P :D
Do you like the jewelry? Do you think it's a good idea? CommentZzz?
Few more photos from "Style of Jolie"... and the impressive golden piece from "The Tourist".


  1. The thing about this "jewelery thing" is beyond my understanding and bellow by interests :P But.. I can comment for the 'twist' they made in her "image". I remember when I was 7th grade and read those crazy stuff about her attitude, bizarre sex experiences (well at least in that time it use to be bizarre :D), brother-incest thing, billy's blood necklaces, intimate Billy tattoos, Billy this - Billy that.. :D And now "suddenly" she is Queen Classiest, the beautiest most gracious women in the world, with that purrrrfect husband, all that Mother Theresa generosity and charity work, and "let's adopt all the kids from the third world" intentions :P. Anyway, my point was not to criticize anything, I'm just stopping by to say: damn! we - masses have really short memory! :P And also, damn I absofuckinglutely agree with your description here about the Brangelina brand! :D

  2. "let's adopt all the kids from the third world" - ahahahah you made me laugh so loud, that the entire neighborhood heard me! :D
    And yeah, we do have short memory! :/

  3. I just love Angeline Jolie. She's the most beautiful woman on earth. I love her style and the way she carries herself. Jolie's jewelry collection is best. You can find the best and expensive accessories. I really like the necklaces. They are very elegant and classic.
